Comics Tagged : vacation

Catching Up

Catching Up
Bonus Panel
Catching Up

Strip Info

Catching Up
July 30, 2023
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Panel 1 : Int. Apartment – Day

Kevin, wearing a Hawaiian shirt and carrying luggage, stands in the doorway of his house. His bird greets him with raised wings.

Hey hey! Welcome back from vacation!
Thanks! What did I miss?
Panel 2 : Int. Apartment – Continuous

Kevin’s bird ponders.

Let’s see… He renamed it “X”, but he doesn’t own the trademark. So there probably a bunch of lawsuits coming. Also: he limited the number of tweets you can read without paying.
Panel 3 : Int. Apartment – Continuous

Kevin’s smile fades. His face ages as he listens to his bird go on.

Oh! And he started paying people to post, but you have to subscribe first – which kinda sounds like a pyramid scheme?
Panel 4 : Int. Apartment – Continuous

Kevin turns around and walks away, dragging his luggage with him. His bird calls after him.

…and did I mention he wants us to use it as a banking app? BECAUSE HE WANTS US TO USE IT AS A BANKING APP!
Bonus Panel 1 : Ext. Beach – Later

Now at the beach at sunset, Kevin drags his luggage behind him as he walks into the ocean.

Bonus Panel 2 : Ext. Beach – Later

Kevin is gone under the water. All that’s left are his footsteps and the drag marks of his luggage.

A Very Specific Task

A Very Specific Task

Strip Info

A Very Specific Task
June 19, 2022
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Panel 1 : Int. Room – Day

Dani stands smiling, holding a bowl of ranch dressing in one hand and a full head of cauliflower in the other. She’s just dipped the cauliflower in the ranch.

Dipping a head of cauliflower in ranch dressing
Panel 2 : Ext. Yard – Later

Wearing overalls, Dani stands in front of a tall white picket fence. She holds a brush of white paint. A bucket sits on a stepladder nearby. Dani shrugs.

Painting a white fence white
Panel 3 : Int. Kitchen – Later

Dani stands at a kitchen table. On the table is an open container of plain yogurt. Next to it is large uncooked ham. Dani massages the yogurt into the skin of the uncooked ham. She looks disgusted.

Massaging yogurt into an uncooked ham
Panel 4 : Ext. Beach – Later

Dani on the beach, equally disgusted look on her face. But now, she’s applying sunscreen to Kevin’s back.

You’re right – nothing could’ve prepared me for this.

No “Off” Switch

No “Off” Switch

Strip Info

No “Off” Switch
June 12, 2022
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Panel 1 : Ext. Beach – Day

Kevin sits on a beach chair on a sunny shore. Wearing an open Hawaiian shirt, he clasps his hands behind his head and smiles. His bird perches on his elbow.

Isn’t this great? A week away from social media! No F.O.M.O. No stress…
Panel 2 : Ext. Beach – Continuous

Kevin and his bird sit in silence, soaking up the sun and surf.

Panel 3 : Ext. Beach – Continous

Another moment of quiet.

Panel 4 : Ext. Beach – Continous

Kevin’s bird turns to him.

You’re thinking of ways to turn this into content, aren’t you?
Yes. I’m very broken.