Comics Tagged : TV
If I Judged Dog Shows
Bonus Panel
Strip Info
- Title
- If I Judged Dog Shows
- Date
- January 30, 2020
- Tags
- big trophy, bonus panel, corgis, dog shows, dogs, Kevin, mutts, old man tied up in a broom closet, puppies, terriers, TV, westminster, white people
- Panel 1 : Int. Dog Show Arena – Night
Dressed in a sharp blue suit and purple bowtie, Kevin paces back and forth in front of lineup of cute doggos.
- Kevin (v serious)
- Bring out the corgi, please.
- Panel 2 : Int. Dog Show Arena – Continuous
Kevin continues to pace, but in the opposite direction.
- Kevin (v serious)
- ..And the French Bulldog, please.
- Panel 3 : Int. Dog Show Arena – Continuous
Kevin stops in front of the entire line of remaining doggos.
- Kevin (v serious)
- …And all the rest, please.
- Panel 4 : Int. Dog Show Arena – Moments Later
Kevin lays on the ground, swarmed by cute, eager puppers. Standing over him are two old, dour-faced judges holding trophies waiting to be awarded.
- Kevin (v serious)
- I’m going to need more time, please.
Comfort Shows
Strip Info
- Title
- Comfort Shows
- Date
- April 25, 2019
- Tags
- bed, comfort shows, Ellie Kempner, Netflix, Sarah, talking laptops, The Office, TV, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
- Notes
- Panel 1 : Int. Bedroom – Night
Sarah lies in bed, wrapped in a comforter, watching Netflix on her Laptop.
- Laptop
- Hi! What would you like to watch today?
- Sarah
- Reruns of The Office, please.
- Panel 2 : Int. Bedroom – Continous
Laptop seems nonplussed.
- Laptop
- -Sigh- Again? But I made all this original content for you.
- Panel 3 : Int. Bedroom – Continuous
Laptop makes an offer.
- Laptop
- …How about The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt?
- Sarah
- Reruns of The Office, please.
- Panel 4 : Int. Bedroom – Continuous
Laptop presses further.
- Laptop
- …But Ellie Kemp-
- Sarah (interrupting)
- -Shhh- You’re wasting both of our time.
Head Nibbling
Strip Info
- Title
- Head Nibbling
- Date
- April 18, 2019
- Tags
- couch, Egg & Toast, head nibbling, Netflix, TV, weird
- Panel 1 : Int. Living Room – Night
Egg & Toast sit on the couch watching TV. Wrapped on in blanket, Egg lays their head on Toast, who looks over at it.
- Panel 2 : Int. Living Room – Continuous
Toast slowly opens their mouth.
- Panel 3 : Int. Living Room – Continuous
Toast opens their mouth and nibbles lightly on Egg’s head.
- Panel 4 : Int. Living Room – Continous
Toast continues to nibble. Egg looks up.
- Egg
- Please don’t eat my head.
- Toast
- Don’t tell me how to love you.
The Correct Volume
Strip Info
- Panel 1 : Int. Living Room – Evening
Close up on the upper-righthand corner of a TV screen. A green overlay reads “Volume: 67”
- Panel 2 : Int. Living Room – Continuous
Egg and Toast sit on their couch, watching said TV. Toast holds the remote. Wrapped in a blanket, Egg lays next to them.
- Egg
- Turn it up to “70,” please.
- Panel 3 : Int. Living Room – Continuous
Toast pauses.
- Toast
- Why?
- Egg
- It has to be a mulitple of 5.
- Panel 4 : Int. Living Room – Continuous
Toast looks confused.
- Toast
- …Why?
- Egg
- Ssssh! I’m trying to watch!