Comics Tagged : Marvel
The Secret of My Success
Bonus Panel
Strip Info
- Title
- The Secret of My Success
- Date
- October 10, 2021
- Tags
- Avengers, bonus panel, burnout, Captain America, city, Kevin, Marvel, memes, mental health, movies, New York City, parody, self care
- Panel 1 : Ext. New York City – Day
Close up on Captain America, during that famous scene in the big battle of the first Avengers movie.
- Captain America
- Kevin, you haven’t taken any time off from work in over a year. How are you not burnt out?
- Panel 2 : Ext. New York City – Continuous
Kevin, walking away, looks back over his shoulder with a smile.
- Kevin
- That my secret, Cap…
- Panel 3 : Ext. New York City – Continuous
Closer on Kevin. Still with the cocky smile.
- Kevin
- …I’m always burnt out!
- Panel 4 : Ext. New York City – Continuous
Reverse on Kevin as he faces away from Captain America. His smile is gone. Replaced by the hundred-yard stare, heavy eyelids, and sagging mouth of someone at his wits’ end. Cap stands confused behind him.
- Panel 5 : Ext. New York City – Continuous
Wide shot from behind Kevin as that flying alien catepillar thing approaches him. Kevin’s shoulders slump.
- Kevin
- -Sigh- Can we not?
The Next Doctor Strange Movie (Probably)
Strip Info
- Title
- The Next Doctor Strange Movie (Probably)
- Date
- July 18, 2021
- Tags
- Benedict Cumberbatch, Doctor Strange, Fantastic Four, Marvel, movies, Multiverse, Spider-Man, superheroes, Wolverine
- Panel 1 : Ext. MCU Multiverse – Day
Dr. Strange ushers MCU heroes into a portal. The heroes include Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man, plus Hugh Jackman as Wolverine.
- Dr. Strange
- Come, friends! All MCU variants are needed on the main timeline!
- Panel 2 : Ext. MCU Multiverse – Continuous
Dr. Strange looks over his shoulder as someone off-panel speaks.
- Someone (OS)
- Fantastic! We’re ready to help!
- Panel 3 : Ext. MCU Multiverse – Continuous
Reverse angle to reveal the cast of the 2015 Fantastic Four movie (you know – the lame one with Miles Teller). Dr. Strange rolls his eyes.
- Panel 4 : Ext. MCU Multiverse – Continuous
Dr. Strange closes the portal around himself, leaving the lame Fantastic Four variants there. Dr. Strange flashes a peace sign and a huge grin.
- Dr. Strange
- Sorry, all full, gotta go!
The Falcon And The Winter Solider – Off-Hours
Strip Info
- Title
- The Falcon And The Winter Solider – Off-Hours
- Date
- April 25, 2021
- Tags
- awkward, bonus panel, Falcon, Harold, Kevin, Marvel, relatable, Winter Solider
- Notes
- Panel 1 : Ext. Cafe – Day
Falcon (Sam Wilson) yells at Bucky.
- Sam
- You need to come to terms with your past!
- Panel 2 : Ext. Cafe – Continuous
Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes) yells at Sam.
- Bucky
- You need to come to terms with your future!
- Panel 3 : Ext. Cafe – Continuous
WIDER to reveal Sam and Bucky are sitting at an outdoor cafe. Their waiter (Kevin) stands awkwardly between them.
- Kevin
- …I can come back in a few minutes…