Comics Tagged : Kevin
Trust The Process
Strip Info
- Title
- Trust The Process
- Date
- January 24, 2022
- Tags
- Academy Awards, awards, birb, Bird, creativity, documentaries, Kevin, Meryl Streep, movies, Oscars, productivity
- Panel 1 : Int. Home – Day
Kevin sits at his desk drawing. The bird perches on a camera behind him.
- Bird
- What’s with the camera?
- Kevin
- I’m documenting my creative process.
- Panel 2 : Int. Home – Continuous
Kevin continues.
- Kevin
- Y’know- in case someone wants to make a documentary about me someday.
- Panel 3 : Int. Home – Continuous
The bird scoffs
- Bird
- -Pfft- No one will want to watch ‘Idiot Sits Alone In A Room For Hours.’
- Panel 4 : Int. Kodak Theatre – Later
Two presenters at the Oscars open the envelope for Best Documentary.
- Presenter 1
- And the Oscar goes to…
- Presenter 2
- …’Idiot Sits Alone In A Room For Hours’
- Panel 5 : Int. Kodak Theatre – Continuous
Kevin sits in the audience in a tux. Next to him, Meryl Streep applauds. Kevin raises an eyebrow and looks to his shoulder, where the bird crosses its arms in indignation.
Happy Thanksgiving
Strip Info
- Title
- Happy Thanksgiving
- Date
- November 25, 2021
- Tags
- Bird, food, holidays, Kevin, Thanksgiving, turkey
- Notes
Here’s the original version of this comic. I changed it when folks pointed out to me that pet birds eat chicken all the time. Which is technically cannibalism, right?
- Panel 1 : Int. Home – Day
Wearing a pink kitchen apron, Kevin walks in, holding a large cooked turkey on a platter. Across the table, his bird perches on the back of chair watching.
- Kevin
- Happy Thanksgiving!
- Panel 2 : Int. Home – Continuous
Kevin places the turkey down on the table. His bird leans over to inspect.
- Bird
- Jerry?
- Panel 3 : Int. Home – Continuous
Kevin’s bird looks up at him.
- Bird
- I think I knew this guy.
- Panel 4 : Int. Home – Continuous
Kevin looks shocked.
- Kevin
- Oh gosh! I’m sorry!
- Bird
- Don’t be. He was a jerk. Let’s eat.
Your Precious Spare Time
Strip Info
- Title
- Your Precious Spare Time
- Date
- November 7, 2021
- Tags
- Bird, couch, fomo, gross, Kevin, mental health, movies, peer pressure, PG13, recreation, spare time
- Panel 1 : Int. Living Room – Day
Kevin slouches on the couch, watching TV, scowling. The bird sits on his head.
- Kevin
- Ugh. This movie is awful.
- Bird
- Then why are you watching it?
- Panel 2 : Int. Living Room – Continuous
Kevin continues
- Kevin
- Because everyone’s talking about it and I don’t want to be left out of the conversation.
- Panel 3 : Int. Living Room – Continuous
The bird looks quizzical.
- Bird
- Why are you letting peer pressure decide how you spend your precious spare time? Why not do what you want?
- Panel 4 : Int. Living Room – Continuous
Kevin leaves the room, looking sheepish, pulling the door closed behind him.
- Bird
- Oh gross!
We see Kevin is holding a box of tissues in his hand.
The Secret of My Success
Bonus Panel
Strip Info
- Title
- The Secret of My Success
- Date
- October 10, 2021
- Tags
- Avengers, bonus panel, burnout, Captain America, city, Kevin, Marvel, memes, mental health, movies, New York City, parody, self care
- Panel 1 : Ext. New York City – Day
Close up on Captain America, during that famous scene in the big battle of the first Avengers movie.
- Captain America
- Kevin, you haven’t taken any time off from work in over a year. How are you not burnt out?
- Panel 2 : Ext. New York City – Continuous
Kevin, walking away, looks back over his shoulder with a smile.
- Kevin
- That my secret, Cap…
- Panel 3 : Ext. New York City – Continuous
Closer on Kevin. Still with the cocky smile.
- Kevin
- …I’m always burnt out!
- Panel 4 : Ext. New York City – Continuous
Reverse on Kevin as he faces away from Captain America. His smile is gone. Replaced by the hundred-yard stare, heavy eyelids, and sagging mouth of someone at his wits’ end. Cap stands confused behind him.
- Panel 5 : Ext. New York City – Continuous
Wide shot from behind Kevin as that flying alien catepillar thing approaches him. Kevin’s shoulders slump.
- Kevin
- -Sigh- Can we not?
Digital Artists During Inktober
Strip Info
- Title
- Digital Artists During Inktober
- Date
- October 3, 2021
- Tags
- art, Bird, creativity, digital art, drawing, Inktober, Kevin, pen and ink
- Panel 1 : Int. Home – Day
Kevin sits at his desk, drawing on paper with a crow quill pen. His bird sits watching on a nearby cup of pens.
- Kevin
- I love Inktober. After drawing digitally all year, it’s great to get back to basics.
- Panel 2 : Int. Home – Continuous
Close up on Kevin’s hand drawing. The bird looks on.
- Kevin
- The flow of the ink. The tooth of the paper. Each mark so permanent. So unforgiving.
- Panel 3 : Int. Home – Continuous
The bird hops up on his shoulder.
- Kevin
- It forces you to slow down and appreciate the process of drawing again.
- Panel 4 : Int. Home – Continuous
The bird speaks.
- Bird
- Missing that ‘undo’ button, aren’t ya?
- Kevin
(screaming) - SO MUCH!
Blue’s Clues Blues
Strip Info
- Title
- Blue’s Clues Blues
- Date
- September 19, 2021
- Tags
- apartment, bachelor pad, Bird, Blues Clues, childhood, couch, Kevin, mental health, nostalgia, self care, Steve from Blues Clues, TV
- Panel 1 : Kevin’s Int. Living Room – Day
Kevin’s POV: Steve from Blues Clues speaks in a clip from that recent video.
- Steve
- And then you at you! And look at all you’ve accomplished!
- Panel 2 : Int. Kevin’s Living Room – Continuous
Up angle on Kevin, who is watching the clip on his phone, derpy look on his face. The bird watches over his shoulder.
- Steve (OS)
- And it’s just… it’s just so amazing, right?
- Panel 3 : Int. Kevin’s Living Room – Continuous
Wide angle of Kevin’s shitty bachelor apartment. Laundry on the floor. Dirty plates and trash strewn about. Unopened mail. Framed Quentin Tarantino movie posters on the wall. And that one torch lamp every dude had in the early 00s. Kevin sits slumped on the couch, in his boxers and socks, watching the video on his phone.
- Bird
- He’s not talking to you.
- Kevin
- I figured.
After You
Strip Info
- Panel 1 : Int. Home – Day
Kevin sits on his couch. His bird perched on his hand.
- Kevin
- Have you ever eaten a worm?
- Bird
- No. I’m an indoor bird.
- Panel 2 : Int. Home – Continuous
The bird hops to Kevin’s shoulder.
- Bird
- Have you?
- Kevin
- Nope.
- Panel 3 : Int. Home – Continuous
Kevin continues.
- Kevin
- D-do you want to?
- Bird
- Do you?
- Panel 4 : Int. Home – Continuous
Kevin shrugs.
- Kevin
- I mean…
- Bird
- …Cuz it sounds like you do.
- Panel 4 : Int. Home – Moments Later
Kevin and the bird face off on opposite sides of a plate with an earthworm on it. Kevin raises his eyebrows.
- Bird
(skeptical) - O.K. What’s… what’s going on here?
- Bird
An Important Message From The Future
Strip Info
- Title
- An Important Message From The Future
- Date
- August 8, 2021
- Tags
- advice, etiquette, Future Kevin, Kevin, movies, Past Kevin, social media, time travel, TV
- Panel 1 : Int. Void – Day
Past Kevin is startled by Future Kevin, who reaches for him through a time portal.
- Future Kevin
- “Hey! I’m you from the future! I have something very important you need to hear…”
- Panel 2 : Int. Void – Continuous
Future Kevin gets to the point.
- Future Kevin
- Not every piece of media is for you.
- Panel 3 : Int. Void – Continuous
Past Kevin listens skeptically as Future Kevin continues.
- Future Kevin
- Instead of publically complaining about a movie, tv show, or band you don’t like, try thinking ‘This is not for me’ and moving on.
- Panel 4 : Int. Void – Continuous
Past Kevin frowns.
- Past Kevin
- Okay… but why come back and tell me this now?
- Future Kevin
- You’re about to join this thing called ‘Twitter…’
The Film School Grad’s Lament
Strip Info
- Title
- The Film School Grad’s Lament
- Date
- July 11, 2021
- Tags
- Bird, film school, Kevin, movies, my unfinished screenplay, productivity
- Panel 1 : Int. Living Room – Day
Kevin slouches on his couch, watching TV. His bird sits on his head.
- Kevin
- Man, this movie is awful! I could easily write something better than this crap!
- Panel 2 : Int. Living Room – Continuous
Kevin’s bird perks up.
- Bird
- Oh! Does this mean you’re finally going ot finish that screenplay you started in your 20’s?
- Panel 3 : Int. Living Room – Continuous
Kevin glowers at the bird.
- Panel 4 : Int. Living Room – Continuous
Kevin picks up the remote.
- Kevin
- Let’s see what else is on.
Free Ways To Support Your Favorite Artists
Strip Info
- Title
- Free Ways To Support Your Favorite Artists
- Date
- July 4, 2021
- Tags
- creativity, Instagram, Kevin, productivity, single panel, social media
- Panel 1 : Int. Void – Day
A single panel graphic. A header at the top reads, “Free Ways To Support Your Favorite Artists (from good to best).”
In a descending column under that are the following actions: “Bookmark, Like, Comment, Share,” and finally, “Learn to code, hack Instagram, and change the algorithm to favor artists again.”
At the bottom is a drawing of Kevin hunched over a laptop looking suspicious.
As Good As It Gets
Strip Info
- Title
- As Good As It Gets
- Date
- June 27, 2021
- Tags
- Bird, birdcage, existentialism, Kevin, mental health, self care, The Future
- Panel 1 : Int. Home – Day
Kevin sits at his desk, working on his laptop. Behind him, his bird stands on its cage.
- Bird
- What if this is as good as it gets?
(For you, I mean.)
- Panel 2 : Int. Home – Continuous
Kevin rasies an eyebrow as the bird continues.
- Bird
- What if you’re never as happy, healthy, or successful as you are right now?
- Panel 3 : Int. Home – Continuous
Kevin looks visibly annoyed as the bird really drives it home.
- Bird
- What if it’s just one long, slow slide into irrelevance from here on out?
- Panel 4 : Int. Home – Moments Later
The bird is in its cage. A black shroud covering it.
- Bird
(from under the shroud) - Not the self-reflective type I see.
- Bird
That Anakin / Padme Meme
Strip Info
- Panel 1 : Ext. Field – Day
Kevin sits in a field of tall grass, dressed like Anakin Skywalker from that one meme.
- Kevin
- I’m going to make a drawing of you.
- Panel 2 : Ext. Field – Continuous
Padme smiles.
- Padme
- It’s not going to look like you, right?
- Panel 3 : Ext. Field – Continuous
Kevin deadpans.
- Panel 4 : Ext. Field – Continuous
Padme’s face now looks like Kevin’s.
- Padme
(alarmed) - It’s not going to look like you, right?
- Padme