- Panel 1 : Kevin’s Int. Living Room – Day
Kevin’s POV: Steve from Blues Clues speaks in a clip from that recent video.
- Steve
- And then you at you! And look at all you’ve accomplished!
- Panel 2 : Int. Kevin’s Living Room – Continuous
Up angle on Kevin, who is watching the clip on his phone, derpy look on his face. The bird watches over his shoulder.
- Steve (OS)
- And it’s just… it’s just so amazing, right?
- Panel 3 : Int. Kevin’s Living Room – Continuous
Wide angle of Kevin’s shitty bachelor apartment. Laundry on the floor. Dirty plates and trash strewn about. Unopened mail. Framed Quentin Tarantino movie posters on the wall. And that one torch lamp every dude had in the early 00s. Kevin sits slumped on the couch, in his boxers and socks, watching the video on his phone.
- Bird
- He’s not talking to you.
- Kevin
- I figured.