Comics Tagged : awkward
Bonus Panel
Strip Info
- Title
- Enhance!
- Date
- September 11, 2023
- Tags
- AI art, AI training, anime, awkward, bonus panel, crime, entertainment, police, Stable Diffusion, TV, waifu, weird things people do
- Panel 1 : Int. Police Squad Room – Day
A tech sits in front of a monitor and keyboard. A police sergeant leans over his sholder.
- Tech
- Sergeant! We have security camera footage from the crime scene!
- Sergeant
- Show me.
- Panel 2 : Int. Police Squad Room – Continuous
Close on the monitor: grainy footage of a parking garage. The sergeant points at a small, dark silhouette of a figure walking.
- Sergeant
- There’s our perp. Enhance!
- Panel 3 : Int. Police Squad Room – Continuous
The footage zooms in 200% on the silhouette. Not much more detail.
- Sergeant
- Enhance again!
- Panel 4 : Int. Police Squad Room – Continuous
The footage zooms in to 400%. A little contrast in the figure, but still not enough.
- Sergeant
- Enhance using generative A.I.!
- Panel 5 : Int. Police Squad Room – Continuous
The footage transforms into a purple-haired anime waifu with… a rather large chest. She winks and throws up the “peace” sign.
- Panel 6 : Int. Police Squad Room – Continuous
Back to the tech and the sergeant.
- Sergeant
- Nice.
Stop Asking
Bonus Panel
Strip Info
- Title
- Stop Asking
- Date
- August 13, 2023
- Tags
- awkward, beer, bonus panel, creativity, cups, dumb things people do, frat guy, Kevin, party, social interactions
- Panel 1 : Int. Party – Day
At a party, a drunk frat guy walks up to Kevin.
- Frat Guy
- Hey! Cartoon Boy! Put me in one of your comics!
- Kevin
- Sorry, but no…
- Panel 2 : Int. Party – Continuous
The frat guy presses.
- Frat Guy
- C’mon! I bet I’m funnier than your dumb characters.
- Kevin
- Oh, I’m sure you are.
- Panel 3 : Int. Party – Continuous
Fed up, Kevin explains.
- Kevin
- Look, no offense, but stop asking cartoonists to be in their comics. It’s just not going to happen, okay?
- Panel 4 : Int. Void – Continuous
Zoom out to Kevin, sitting at his desk, drawing the comic we’ve just been reading. He lifts his pen from his monitor.
- Kevin (realizing)
- Wait. (beat) Shit.
Every GenX Kid’s Dream
Bonus Panel
Strip Info
- Title
- Every GenX Kid’s Dream
- Date
- August 6, 2023
- Tags
- awkward, Bird, bonus panel, couch, Future Kevin, Kevin, movies, Past Kevin, pop culture, self care, social interactions, The Future, time travel, TV
- Panel 1 : Int. Teenage Kevin’s Room – Day
Teenage Kevin looks surprised when Future Kevin appears out of a wormhole behind him.
- Future Kevin
- Hey Kevin! I’m YOU from the future! I’ve got great news!
- Panel 2 : Int. Teenage Kevin’s Room – Continuous
Future Kevin continues.
- Future Kevin
- Thirty years from now, they’re going to make a great TMNT movie!
- Teenage Kevin (O.S.)
- Big deal. We’ve already had three TMNT movies.
Future Kevin holds up a poster for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtes: Mutant Mayhem.
- Panel 3 : Int. Teenage Kevin’s Room – Continuous
Future Kevin continues.
- Future Kevin
- Yeah, but this one will have a score by Trent Reznor!
- Teenage Kevin (dismissive)
- ~OK cool~ Thanks for letting me know. Bye!
Teenage Kevin waves his future self away.
- Panel 4 : Int. Teenage Kevin’s Room – Continuous
Future Kevin shrugs.
- Future Kevin
- I thought you’d be excited! What are you do–
- Teenage Kevin (interrupting)
We now can see that Teenage Kevin, hunched over, has hastily thrown a blanket over his groin.
- Bonus Panel : Int. Future Kevin’s House – Later
Back in the future, Future Kevin stands in his living room, shivering in disgust. Nearby, his bird scoffs.
- Bird
- It’s your fault. You gotta knock, remember?
A Shorts Story
Bonus Panel
Strip Info
- Title
- A Shorts Story
- Date
- July 2, 2023
- Tags
- anxiety, awkward, BBQ, Bird, body positivity, bonus panel, Kevin, relatable, roast, shorts, social interactions, white people
- Panel 1 : Int. Apartment – Day
Kevin stands in his apartment, wearing teal shorts, revealing his skinny, pale legs. His bird, standing on a nearby table, leans over in interest.
- Bird
- What’s with the shorts? You never wear shorts
- Kevin
- I’m going to a BBQ and it’s too hot out for pants.
- Panel 2 : Int. Apartment – Continuous
The bird continues.
- Bird
- Wow. You’re wearing them in public? But people will see your bare legs!
- Kevin
- I know. But I’m sure no one will notice.
- Panel 3 : Ext. Field – Later
Kevin is at the BBQ. Some jerk yells to the crowd.
- Some Jerk
- Hey everyone! The chicken legs we ordered are here!
- Panel 4 : Int. Apartment – Later
After the party, Kevin is back home.
- Bird
- Sooo… how’d it go?
- Kevin
- Never again.
Kevin sets his shorts on fire with a lighter.
Work Friends
Bonus Panel
Strip Info
- Title
- Work Friends
- Date
- May 14, 2023
- Tags
- awkward, Batman, Batman In Therapy, Commissioner Gordon, Gotham City, masculinity, mental health, pop culture, social interactions, therapy
- Panel 1 : Ext. Gotham City PD Roof – Night
Commissioner Gordon and Batman stand on the roof of the GCPD headquarters at night near the bat symbol.
- Commissioner Gordon
- Thanks for helping us catch The Riddler, Batman. Gotham owes you a great debt.
- Panel 2 : Ext. Gotham City PD Roof – Continuous
Gordon and Batman stand facing each other for an awkward beat.
- Panel 3 : Ext. Gotham City PD Roof – Continuous
Batman blurts out.
- Batman
- …Wanna hang out after work?
- Panel 4 : Int. Psychiatrist’s Office – Later
Batman lays on a couch. Behind him in a chair, his therapist takes notes.
- Therapist
- …And how are we doing with forming male friendships?
- Batman
- I’m so awkward!
- Panel 5 : Int. All-Nite Diner – Later
Batman and Gordon sit stiffly in a booth of an all-night diner. Each has a strawberry milkshake in front of them.
- Batman
- How’s your milkshake?
- Commissioner Gordon
- – I should get home to my family…
Selling Stuff on Craigslist – Part IV
Strip Info
- Title
- Selling Stuff on Craigslist – Part IV
- Date
- March 19, 2023
- Tags
- awkward, capitalism, Craigslist, Craigslist Guy, dumb things people do, Kevin, lamp, social interactions, table
- Panel 1 : Int. Void – Day
Kevin sits at a little table. On the table sits a small lamp with a red shade and a sign that reads “Lamp: $5. Still works! Red shade. 18″ tall.” Craigslist Guy steps up to the table.
- Craigslist Guy
- Hey. I’ll buy your lamp.
- Kevin
- Great! Can you take it today?
- Panel 2 : Int. Void – Continuous
Craigslist Guy answers.
- Craigslist Guy
- Well, see… I’ll have to borrow my mom’s-“
- Kevin (interrupting)
- Oh no no! No need to tell me your life story…
- Panel 3 : Int. Void – Continuous
Wider to reveal several people standing behind Craigslist Guy.
- Kevin
- Other folks are interested too. So just tell me if you can take it today.
- Panel 4 : Int. Void – Continuous
Craigslist Guy launches into a big block of backstory.
- Craigslist Guy
- Well, see… I’ll have to borrow my Mom’s car because I don’t want to carry it home on the bus because the bus driver is a jerk who wouldn’t let me bring my lunch on the bus because one time I spilled but it wasn’t even my fault because he went around a corner too fast so my soup spilled out of my thermos which I guess I should have closed tighter but hey…
Kevin deadpans to the camera.
Just A Reminder
Bonus Panel
Strip Info
- Title
- Just A Reminder
- Date
- February 5, 2023
- Tags
- awkward, cell phone, dental humor, dentists, Kevin, medical, relatable, self care, social interactions
- Notes
- Panel 1 : Int. Office – Day
Kevin sits at his desk at work, checking his email on his laptop. A message from his dentist reads: “Reminder: Your dental appointment is tomorrow at 10:30AM.”
- Panel 2 : Int. Subway Car – Later
Later that evening, Kevin stands in a crowded subway car, checking his phone. A text message from his dentist reads: “Reminder: your dental appointment is tomorrow at 10:30AM. Reply STOP to opt out of reminders.” Kevin looks annoyed.
- Panel 3 : Int. Apartment – Later
Later that night, Kevin sits at his dining room table, eating dinner. He holds his phone out to listen to a voicemail. It says “This is an automated reminder from your dentist’s office. Your appointment is tomorrow at 10:30AM.” Kevin looks angry.
- Panel 4 : Int. Bedroom – Later
Later that night, Kevin lies asleep in bed. It’s quiet.
- Panel 5 : Int. Bedroom – Continuous
Suddenly, Kevin’s dentist pokes his head up at the foot of Kevin’s bed.
- Dentist
- …Don’t forget about tomorrow!
- Kevin
- Panel 6 : Int. Bedroom – Continuous
The next afternoon, Kevin sits on his couch, watching TV. His bird sits on his head.
- Bird
- Hey – didn’t you have a dental appointment this morning?
- Kevin
- Ah shit! I forgot!
Daily Affirmations
Strip Info
- Panel 1 : Int. Kevin’s House – Day
Kevin’s parrot smiles into his mirror.
- Bird
- Who’s a pretty bird? Who’s a pwitty widdle birdy? You are!
- Panel 2 : Int. Kevin’s House – Continuous
The bird realizes Kevin is watching from the doorway behind him. Kevin snickers.
- Panel 3 : Int. Kevin’s House – Continuous
The bird snaps.
- Bird
- What? Shut up! Like you don’t do it too!
- Panel 4 : Int. Kevin’s House – Continuous
The bird continues.
- Bird
- Get outta here, pencilneck!
Kevin’s smirk fades.
- Panel 5 : Int. Kevin’s House – Later
Kevin stands in front of his bathroom mirror. Frowning and tearing up, he points to himself.
- Kevin
- Don’t let him call you a pencilneck! Who’s a big, strong man? You are!
Why I’m Not On Stranger Things
Strip Info
- Title
- Why I’m Not On Stranger Things
- Date
- July 10, 2022
- Tags
- awkward, Debbie Gibson, dumb things people do, Dustin, Kevin, Lucas, music, Netflix, pop culture, Stranger Things, TV, Vecna, white people
- Notes
- Panel 1 : Ext. Hawkins Graveyard – Day
An Overhead shot of Kevin, floating several feet in mid-air. Wearing headphones, his eyes roll back in a dumbfounded expression. On the ground, Dustin and Lucas from Stranger Things freak out.
- Dustin
- Oh no! Kevin’s under Vecna’s curse!
- Lucas
- Quick! Play his favorite song!
- Panel 2 : Int. Vecna’s Lair – Continuous
Kevin is bound up by tentacles in Vecna’s Lair. Everything has a red tint. Vecna stands opposite him, poised with his claw hand. Yet they both pause to and look skyward as a song begin playing.
- Singer
- Shake your love! I just can’t shake your love! Shake your love! I just can’t shake… your love!
- Panel 3 : Int. Vecna’s Lair – Continuous
Embarrassed, Kevin blushes and grins. Vecna lowers his claw. A look of disbelief and judgement on his face.
- Vecna
- Debbie Gibson?
- Kevin
- Please don’t tell anyone.
Let Them Fight
Strip Info
- Panel 1 : Ext. Cafe – Day
Godzilla yells at King Kong.
- Godzilla
- Panel 2 : Ext. Cafe – Continuous
King Kong yells at Godzilla.
- King Kong
- Panel 3 : Ext. Cafe – Continuous
WIDER to reveal Godzilla and Kong are sitting at an outdoor cafe. Their waiter (Kevin) stands awkwardly between them.
- Kevin
- …I can come back in a few minutes…
The Falcon And The Winter Solider – Off-Hours
Strip Info
- Title
- The Falcon And The Winter Solider – Off-Hours
- Date
- April 25, 2021
- Tags
- awkward, bonus panel, Falcon, Harold, Kevin, Marvel, relatable, Winter Solider
- Notes
- Panel 1 : Ext. Cafe – Day
Falcon (Sam Wilson) yells at Bucky.
- Sam
- You need to come to terms with your past!
- Panel 2 : Ext. Cafe – Continuous
Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes) yells at Sam.
- Bucky
- You need to come to terms with your future!
- Panel 3 : Ext. Cafe – Continuous
WIDER to reveal Sam and Bucky are sitting at an outdoor cafe. Their waiter (Kevin) stands awkwardly between them.
- Kevin
- …I can come back in a few minutes…
At The Gym
Strip Info
- Title
- At The Gym
- Date
- July 20, 2018
- Tags
- athletes, awkward, fitness, funny faces, gym, Kevin, single panel, sports, workout
- Panel 1 : Int. Gym – Day
A handsome, fit man sits at a lat pulldown machine. Smile on his face, he pulls down the bar at a moderate weight.
- Panel 2 : Int. Gym – Later
Kevin struggles at the same machine with much less weight. His face contorts and his legs kick up in protest.