Every GenX Kid’s Dream

Every GenX Kid’s Dream
Bonus Panel
Every GenX Kid’s Dream

Strip Info

Every GenX Kid’s Dream
August 6, 2023
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Panel 1 : Int. Teenage Kevin’s Room – Day

Teenage Kevin looks surprised when Future Kevin appears out of a wormhole behind him.

In the year 1993…
Future Kevin
Hey Kevin! I’m YOU from the future! I’ve got great news!
Panel 2 : Int. Teenage Kevin’s Room – Continuous

Future Kevin continues.

Future Kevin
Thirty years from now, they’re going to make a great TMNT movie!
Teenage Kevin (O.S.)
Big deal. We’ve already had three TMNT movies.

Future Kevin holds up a poster for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtes: Mutant Mayhem.

Panel 3 : Int. Teenage Kevin’s Room – Continuous

Future Kevin continues.

Future Kevin
Yeah, but this one will have a score by Trent Reznor!
Teenage Kevin (dismissive)
~OK cool~ Thanks for letting me know. Bye!

Teenage Kevin waves his future self away.

Panel 4 : Int. Teenage Kevin’s Room – Continuous

Future Kevin shrugs.

Future Kevin
I thought you’d be excited! What are you do–
Teenage Kevin (interrupting)

We now can see that Teenage Kevin, hunched over, has hastily thrown a blanket over his groin.

Bonus Panel : Int. Future Kevin’s House – Later

Back in the future, Future Kevin stands in his living room, shivering in disgust. Nearby, his bird scoffs.

It’s your fault. You gotta knock, remember?

Catching Up

Catching Up
Bonus Panel
Catching Up

Strip Info

Catching Up
July 30, 2023
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Panel 1 : Int. Apartment – Day

Kevin, wearing a Hawaiian shirt and carrying luggage, stands in the doorway of his house. His bird greets him with raised wings.

Hey hey! Welcome back from vacation!
Thanks! What did I miss?
Panel 2 : Int. Apartment – Continuous

Kevin’s bird ponders.

Let’s see… He renamed it “X”, but he doesn’t own the trademark. So there probably a bunch of lawsuits coming. Also: he limited the number of tweets you can read without paying.
Panel 3 : Int. Apartment – Continuous

Kevin’s smile fades. His face ages as he listens to his bird go on.

Oh! And he started paying people to post, but you have to subscribe first – which kinda sounds like a pyramid scheme?
Panel 4 : Int. Apartment – Continuous

Kevin turns around and walks away, dragging his luggage with him. His bird calls after him.

…and did I mention he wants us to use it as a banking app? BECAUSE HE WANTS US TO USE IT AS A BANKING APP!
Bonus Panel 1 : Ext. Beach – Later

Now at the beach at sunset, Kevin drags his luggage behind him as he walks into the ocean.

Bonus Panel 2 : Ext. Beach – Later

Kevin is gone under the water. All that’s left are his footsteps and the drag marks of his luggage.

A Shorts Story

A Shorts Story
Bonus Panel
A Shorts Story

Strip Info

A Shorts Story
July 2, 2023
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Panel 1 : Int. Apartment – Day

Kevin stands in his apartment, wearing teal shorts, revealing his skinny, pale legs. His bird, standing on a nearby table, leans over in interest.

What’s with the shorts? You never wear shorts
I’m going to a BBQ and it’s too hot out for pants.
Panel 2 : Int. Apartment – Continuous

The bird continues.

Wow. You’re wearing them in public? But people will see your bare legs!
I know. But I’m sure no one will notice.
Panel 3 : Ext. Field – Later

Kevin is at the BBQ. Some jerk yells to the crowd.

Some Jerk
Hey everyone! The chicken legs we ordered are here!
Panel 4 : Int. Apartment – Later

After the party, Kevin is back home.

Sooo… how’d it go?
Never again.

Kevin sets his shorts on fire with a lighter.

Touch Grass

Touch Grass
Bonus Panel
Touch Grass


Panel 1 : Ext. Park – Afternoon

Kevin lies in the grass of a field on a sunny summer day. Eyes closed. Hands behind his head. Smiling.

Aaaaah. There’s nothing like a lazy summer afternoon…
Panel 2 : Ext. Park – Continuous

Closer on Kevin’s face as a strange shadow creeps over him. He opens one eye to see:

Panel 3 : Ext. Park – Continuous

Kevin’s POV: The Grustle Monster standing over him, blocking out the sun. Furrowed brow. Frowning.

Panel 4 : Ext. Park – Continuous

Wider to reveal The Grustle Monster looming over Kevin in a menacing way.

Damnit I’m allowed to rest!
Panel 5 : Ext. Park – Later

Later, two passersby notice Kevin sitting on the grass, his full, two-monitor desktop set up in the grass in front of him.

Passerby 1
Did that guy bring his desktop to the park?

The Future of Entertainment

The Future of Entertainment

Strip Info

The Future of Entertainment
June 18, 2023
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Panel 1 : Int. VR Headset – Day

From a user’s POV inside a VR headset, a cute robot character floats into view.

Hi! I’m Genie, your A.I.-powered entertainment bot! What do you want to watch today?
User (O.S.)
I wanna watch a movie where Spider-Man fights Batman at Wrestlemania!
Panel 2 : Int. Living Room – Continuous

The user sits in his recliner, a beer in his hand

Genie (O.S.)
Sorry. I’m afraid I can’t do that.
Why not? I thought A.I. can create whatever I want.
Panel 3 : Int. VR Headset – Continuous

In the headset, Genie explains.

Well, see… Spider-Man is owned by Disney, Batman is owned by Warner Bros, and Wrestlemania is WWE. To combine them legally, I would need a licensing agreement between all three companies that allows for… (trailing off)
Panel 4 : Ext. Street – Later

Later, on the side of the road, two sanitation workers empty trash cans into a garbage truck. One worker holds up something he fished out of a can.

Sanitation Worker
Hey look! Another pair a’them expensive goggles!

Grandpa’s Making Up Words Again

Grandpa’s Making Up Words Again
Bonus Panel
Grandpa’s Making Up Words Again

Strip Info

Grandpa’s Making Up Words Again
May 28, 2023
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Panel 1 : Int. Retirement Home – Day

A young boy sits at his grandpa’s feet.

Young Boy
Grandpa? What were the Streaming Wars like?
Panel 2 : Int. Retirement Home – Continuous

Grandpa sits in his easy chair.

Well, it all started when Netflix tried to launch Qwikster. Then HBO became HBO Go…
Panel 3 : Int. Retirement Home – Continuous

Grandpa continues.

…See, back then, we got our HBO Go through Hulu on our Roku, but then HBO Go became HBO Max…
Panel 4 : Int. Retirement Home – Continuous

The little boy looks confused as Grandpa finishes.

…And after Roku bought all the shows from Quibi, HBO Max became just Max.
Panel 5 : Ext. Retirement Home – Later

The young boy’s Mom leads him to their car.

How was your visit with Grandpa?
Young Boy

In the background, Grandpa waves from the porch of his retirement home.

Work Friends

Work Friends
Bonus Panel
Work Friends


Panel 1 : Ext. Gotham City PD Roof – Night

Commissioner Gordon and Batman stand on the roof of the GCPD headquarters at night near the bat symbol.

Commissioner Gordon
Thanks for helping us catch The Riddler, Batman. Gotham owes you a great debt.
Panel 2 : Ext. Gotham City PD Roof – Continuous

Gordon and Batman stand facing each other for an awkward beat.

Panel 3 : Ext. Gotham City PD Roof – Continuous

Batman blurts out.

…Wanna hang out after work?
Panel 4 : Int. Psychiatrist’s Office – Later

Batman lays on a couch. Behind him in a chair, his therapist takes notes.

…And how are we doing with forming male friendships?
I’m so awkward!
Panel 5 : Int. All-Nite Diner – Later

Batman and Gordon sit stiffly in a booth of an all-night diner. Each has a strawberry milkshake in front of them.

How’s your milkshake?
Commissioner Gordon
– I should get home to my family…

At a Loss

At a Loss

Strip Info

At a Loss
April 30, 2023
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Panel 1 : Int. BuzzFeed Office – Day

Kevin walks into the lobby of BuzzFeed. Headphones in, backpack on, lanyard clipped to his pants pocket. He looks non-challant.

Panel 2 : Int. BuzzFeed Office – Moments Later

Kevin stops at the receptionist’s desk. The receptionist points off-panel. Kevin takes his headphone out of his ear and raises his eyebrows to listen to what the receptionist is saying.

Panel 3 : Int. BuzzFeed Office – Later

Kevin stands in a nearby hallway. A sad look on his face. He hands over a yellow BuzzFeed “LOL” icon to a person with a BuzzFeed logo for a face. The literal personification of the company, if you will.

Panel 4 : Int. Apartment – Later

Later, at home, Kevin lies on his side on his couch. Under a blanket, he stares off into the distance. Over him, on the top edge of the couch, his bird perches, extending a wing in an awkward, concerned gesture.

The Face of a Real Man

The Face of a Real Man

Strip Info

The Face of a Real Man
April 16, 2023
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Panel 1 : Int. Void – Day

Close on Kevin’s hands, shaking a bit of moisturizer from a pink bottle into his palm. A few feet away, a gruff-looking fellow puts up his hand in protest.

Gruff-Looking Fellow
Moisturizer? With sunscreen? -pfft- I don’t use any of that girlie stuff.
Panel 2 : Int. Void – Continuous

The gruff-looking fellow gets in Kevin’s face, pointing at his own. Kevin recoils.

Gruff-Looking Fellow
This here’s the face of a real man!
Panel 3 : Int. Void – Continuous

Extreme close-up on the fellow’s scowling face. It’s burnt, cracked, pock-marked, and craggy. It’s… not pleasant.

Panel 4 : Int. Void – Continuous

Kevin winces.

Real men have skin cancer?
Gruff-Looking Fellow
You mean my face rubble?

Starting A New Hobby – Part 2

Starting A New Hobby – Part 2

Strip Info

Starting A New Hobby – Part 2
April 2, 2023
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Panel 1 : Int. Kevin’s Apartment – Day

Kevin stands at his table, wearing a metalworking visor, apron, and gloves. He holds a welding torch in his hand. On the table in front of him, a vise holds a piece of metal. Kevin’s bird, wearing a visor of his own, looks on from a pile of nearby metalworking gear.

OK! After buying all this gear, I’m finally ready to try my new hobby for the first time!
Panel 2 : Int. Kevin’s Apartment – Continuous

Kevin presses his torch to the metal. Sparks fly everywhere.

Panel 3 : Int. Kevin’s Apartment – Continuous

Kevin turns off the torch. The metal has melted into an unattractive lump.

Panel 4 : Int. Kevin’s Apartment – Continuous

Kevin turns to walk away, throwing the torch over his shoulder.

Whelp, I’m no good at this. I quit!
Panel 5 : Int. Kevin’s Apartment – Months Later

Kevin sits on his couch, rubbing his chin in thought.

I think I want to try a new craft as a hobby…

His bird facepalms.