How I Feel Every Valentine’s Day
Strip Info
- Title
- How I Feel Every Valentine’s Day
- Date
- February 14, 2021
- Tags
- fomo, holidays, Instagram, love, mental health, modern love, Sarah, self care, social media, valentines day
- Panel 1 : Int. Home – Day
Sarah sits on a stool. On a nearby table, Instagram walks up.
- Why so sad?
- Sarah
- I’m alone on Valentine’s Day. Again.
- Panel 2 : Int. Home – Continuous
Instagram makes an offer.
- Wanna see pics of your friends in happy relationships?
- Panel 3 : Int. Home – Continuous
Sarah stares blankly at Instagram.
- Panel 4 : Int. Home – Continuous
Instagram starts walking away, beckoning Sarah to follow.
- Yeah, y’do. C’mon!
Sarah sighs.
Feed Me
Strip Info
- Title
- Feed Me
- Date
- February 10, 2021
- Tags
- creativity, creator economy, fomo, Instagram, Kevin, mental health, productivity, self worth, social media
- Panel 1 : Int. Home – Day
Kevin sits at his desk working. Instagram steps out on the table behind him.
- Hey. I’m hungry.
- Kevin
- I just fed you yesterday!
- Panel 2 : Int. Home – Continuous
Instagram gets indignant.
- Do you want to grow your audience or not?
- Kevin
- Yeah, but… c’mon- I’m tired!
- Panel 3 : Int. Home – Continuous
Instagram hops up on Kevin’s chest, grabbing him by his collar.
- Well maybe you should’ve have attached your self-worth to the likes I GIVE YOU.
- Panel 4 : Int. Home – Later
Kevin sits at his computer, drawing another comic, crying. His bird sits on his shoulder.
- Bird
- I mean, he’s not wrong.
- Kevin
(sobbing) - I know.
Look With Your Eyes
Strip Info
- Title
- Look With Your Eyes
- Date
- January 30, 2021
- Tags
- bffs, dumb things people do, Egg & Toast, men and women, relatable, relationships, wholesome
- Panel 1 : Int. Home – Day
Toast stands in front of an open closet. Egg sits at the table across the room, working on a laptop.
- Toast
- Where are the light bulbs?
- Egg
- Middle shelf.
- Panel 2 : Int. Home – Continuous
Toast looks confused.
- Toast
- Where? I don’t see them.
- Egg
(stops working) - Next to the towels.
- Panel 3 : Int. Home – Continuous
Toast doesn’t see them.
- Toast
- Where?
- Egg
- -Sigh-
Egg stands up and begins to walk across the room.
- Panel 4 : Int. Home – Continuous
Just as Egg reaches Toast…
- Toast
- Oh! There they are!
Toast reaches for them. Egg just glowers at Toast.
Cobra Kai is Back!
Strip Info
- Title
- Cobra Kai is Back!
- Date
- January 19, 2021
- Tags
- Cobra Kai, cool t-shirts, Elizabeth Shue, fomo, Gen-X, Kevin, laptop, Netflix, nostalgia, pita pocket, Sunny D
- Panel 1 : Int. Home – Day
Kevin’s laptop sits on a table behind him.
- Laptop (to Kevin)
- Hey, you’re a straight, white, Gen-X dude, right?
Eating a pita pocket, Kevin turns around.
- Panel 2 : Int. Home – Continuous
Kevin looks down at his shirt. It has a reference to Sunny D on it.
- Panel 3 : Int. Home – Continuous
Kevin looks up.
- Kevin
- So?
- Panel 4 : Int. Home – Continuous
Close on Kevin’s laptop.
- Laptop
- You should watch Cobra Kai Season Three. You’ll love it!
- Panel 5 : Int. Home – Continuous
Kevin shrugs.
- Kevin
- I dunno. I watched the first two seasons and thought it was just O.K.
- Panel 6 : Int. Home – Continuous
A beat passes between them.
- Panel 7 : Int. Home – Continuous
The same.
- Laptop
- We brought back Elizabeth Shue.
- Kevin
- Let’s do it.
Every January
Strip Info
- Title
- Every January
- Date
- January 4, 2021
- Tags
- creativity, Kevin, orbs, productivity, relatable
- Panel 1 : Int. Void – Day
Kevin stands in front of a table of glittery, glowing blue orbs. Written on all of them is “2021.” Kevin’s eyes go wide in anticipation.
- Kevin
- Look at all these shiny new projects for the new year!
- Panel 2 : Int. Void – Continuous
From off-panel, something speaks.
- Orb (O.S.)
- What about us?
Kevin’s eyes look to the side.
- Panel 3 : Int. Void – Continuous
Behind Kevin is another table. On it sits a pile of sad, dull, misshapen grey orbs. Written on all of them is “2020.” Kevin gives them a side-eye.
- Panel 4 : Int. Void – Moments Later
Kevin gathers the shiny 2021 orbs in his arms. The 2020 orbs sit in a trashcan behind him.
One. Job.
Strip Info
- Title
- One. Job.
- Date
- November 25, 2020
- Tags
- Kevin, printer, relatable, technology
- Panel 1 : Int. Home – Day
Kevin sits at a desk, looking over at his inkjet printer. The printer has eyes like a person. Kevin motions towards his laptop in front of him.
- Kevin
- Hey, can you take what I typed and put it on a piece of paper?
- Panel 2 : Int. Home – Continuous
The printer’s eyes grow heavy.
- Printer
- -Sigh- I mean, I can try…
How I Feel Every Inktober
Strip Info
- Panel 1 : Int. Home – Day
Sarah sits on a stool, looking sad at a piece of paper. A pen tucked behind her ear. On a nearby table, Instagram walks up.
- Why so sad?
- Sarah
- -Sigh- I hate my drawing.
- Panel 2 : Int. Home – Continuous
Instagram makes an offer.
- Wanna see art from people more talented than you?
- Panel 3 : Int. Home – Continuous
Sarah stares blankly at Instagram.
- Panel 4 : Int. Home – Continuous
Instagram starts walking away, beckoning Sarah to follow.
- Yeah, y’do. C’mon!
Sarah sighs.
Bird In The Hand
Strip Info
- Panel 1 : Int. Void – Day
A cute blue bird with a white tuff on its head sits in a person’s hand. It smiles.
- Panel 2 : Int. Void – Day
The same bird sits in an open can of beans.
- Panel 3 : Int. Void – Day
The same bird sits on top of a giant, cooked ham.
- Panel 4 : Int. Void – Day
The same bird holds a red guitar. Over its left eye is painted a pink bolt of lightning. It’s white tuft has been replaced by a blonde, spiky mohawk. Behind it is a red drum set. Seated at the drum set is another cute bird. This one green with a floppy blond mohawk. On the kick drum of the drum set is written the band name: “The Birbs.”
Tote Bags
Strip Info
- Title
- Tote Bags
- Date
- August 14, 2020
- Tags
- Bird, capitalism, controversy, environmentalism, ethcial consumption, Kevin, liberalism, NPR, tote bags, white people
- Panel 1 : Int. Home – Day
Kevin holds a reusable tote bag filled with groceries. A logo printed on the bag reads “NPR.” A green ring-necked parrot sits on a perch behind him.
- Bird
- Wait, Kevin- haven’t you heard? Tote bags are bad for the environment.
- Panel 2 : Int. Home – Continuous
The parrot is now on Kevin’s shoulder. Kevin looks incredulous.
- Kevin
- What? How?
- Bird
- Reusable cotton totes take more energy to create than plastic bags.
- Panel 3 : Int. Home – Continuous
Kevin looks down at his tote bag as the parrot continues.
- Bird
- Each new tote has to be reused 20,000 times to break even.
- Panel 4 : Int. Home – Continuous
Kevin raises his eyebrows.
- Kevin
- But… how will people know I support NPR?
- Panel 5 : Int. Home – Continuous
The parrot leans in.
- Bird
- Kevin, you’re a white, middle-aged liberal… we know.
Kevin deadpans to camera.
Corn On The Cob
Strip Info
- Title
- Corn On The Cob
- Date
- July 25, 2020
- Tags
- cab, corn, cub, cute, idiom, kids stuff, wholesome, wordplay
- Notes
After the controversy of my “Opening Up” comic, I decided to do something dumb and fun. This wordplay was based on a game my partner and I play. It’s hard to explain. But I like this comic. Someday, I hope to turn it into a children’s book.
- Panel 1 : Int. Void – Day
A cute Corn on the Cob with legs, arms, and a face smiles and waves at you.
- Panel 2 : Int. Void – Day
The Corn on the Cob sits in the back of a cab. Still smiling and waving at you.
- Panel 3 : Int. Void – Day
The Corn on The Cob stands next to a cute brown bear cub. They hold hands, smile, and wave at you.
- Panel 4 : Int. Void – Day
The Corn on the Cob stands next to an open manhole. The manhole is surrounded by a yellow railing. The Corn on the Cob wears an orange safety helmet, safety vest, and holds up a sign that reads “Slow.”