A game show contestant stands at a podium, cheering with excitement. His nametag reads “Mark.” Next to him stands Drew Carey, who speaks into his signature skinny microphone.
Drew Carey
Actual retail price is twenty-two thousand dollars…
Panel 2 : Int. Television Studio – Continuous
In the adjacent showroom, a spokesmodel stands smiling next to a large powerboat on a trailer.
Drew Carey (O.S.)
…which means Mark will take home this brand new boat…
Panel 3 : Int. Television Studio – Continous
Closer on the boat and spokesmodel, who now holds a large kitchen knife to the bow of the boat.
Drew Carey (O.S.)
…if he can correctly guess IS IT CAKE?
Panel 4 : Int. Studio Executive’s Office – Continous
An executive sits opposite Kevin.
This is the dumbest pitch I’ve ever heard.
Kevin leans in.
Or the greatest?
Next to Kevin is a poster on an easel that reads, “The Price is Cake!”