Comics in Category : Technology
Every. Job. Site.
Bonus Panel
Strip Info
- Title
- Every. Job. Site.
- Date
- February 13, 2024
- Tags
- capitialism, desk, glasses, job hunt, Kevin, LinkedIn, moustache, office, resume, technology, The Internet, website
- Panel 1 : Int. Office – Day
A website—personified with glasses, a moustache, and arms and hands—sits in a chair at a desk. Across its forehead is written EVERY JOB SITE. It beckons to someone off-camera.
- Website
- Just give me your resumé and I’ll auto-populate our application for you!
- Panel 2 : Int. Office – Continuous
Wide shot revealing Kevin sitting on the other side of the desk. Wearing a short-sleeved dress shirt and red tie, he hands his resume to the website.
- Panel 3 : Int. Office – Continuous
The website adjusts its glasses, looking at Kevin’s resume.
- Website
- Ah! I see your last job was “Resumé” with a start date of “Baltimore” and an end date of “Microsoft Word”
- Panel 4 : Int. Office – Continuous
Reverse on Kevin. He frowns and beckons the website to give him his paper back.
- Kevin
- -Sigh- Just let me do it.
- Panel 5 : Int. Office – Moments Later
Kevin and the website still sitting at the desk.
- Website
- Isn’t this a Dilbert comic?
- Kevin
- No. I’m not a racist.
Bonus Panel
Strip Info
- Title
- Enhance!
- Date
- September 11, 2023
- Tags
- AI art, AI training, anime, awkward, bonus panel, crime, entertainment, police, Stable Diffusion, TV, waifu, weird things people do
- Panel 1 : Int. Police Squad Room – Day
A tech sits in front of a monitor and keyboard. A police sergeant leans over his sholder.
- Tech
- Sergeant! We have security camera footage from the crime scene!
- Sergeant
- Show me.
- Panel 2 : Int. Police Squad Room – Continuous
Close on the monitor: grainy footage of a parking garage. The sergeant points at a small, dark silhouette of a figure walking.
- Sergeant
- There’s our perp. Enhance!
- Panel 3 : Int. Police Squad Room – Continuous
The footage zooms in 200% on the silhouette. Not much more detail.
- Sergeant
- Enhance again!
- Panel 4 : Int. Police Squad Room – Continuous
The footage zooms in to 400%. A little contrast in the figure, but still not enough.
- Sergeant
- Enhance using generative A.I.!
- Panel 5 : Int. Police Squad Room – Continuous
The footage transforms into a purple-haired anime waifu with… a rather large chest. She winks and throws up the “peace” sign.
- Panel 6 : Int. Police Squad Room – Continuous
Back to the tech and the sergeant.
- Sergeant
- Nice.
Catching Up
Bonus Panel
Strip Info
- Title
- Catching Up
- Date
- July 30, 2023
- Tags
- beach, Bird, bonus panel, dumb things people do, Kevin, self care, social media, Twitter, vacation
- Panel 1 : Int. Apartment – Day
Kevin, wearing a Hawaiian shirt and carrying luggage, stands in the doorway of his house. His bird greets him with raised wings.
- Bird
- Hey hey! Welcome back from vacation!
- Kevin
- Thanks! What did I miss?
- Panel 2 : Int. Apartment – Continuous
Kevin’s bird ponders.
- Bird
- Let’s see… He renamed it “X”, but he doesn’t own the trademark. So there probably a bunch of lawsuits coming. Also: he limited the number of tweets you can read without paying.
- Panel 3 : Int. Apartment – Continuous
Kevin’s smile fades. His face ages as he listens to his bird go on.
- Bird
- Oh! And he started paying people to post, but you have to subscribe first – which kinda sounds like a pyramid scheme?
- Panel 4 : Int. Apartment – Continuous
Kevin turns around and walks away, dragging his luggage with him. His bird calls after him.
- Bird
- …and did I mention he wants us to use it as a banking app? BECAUSE HE WANTS US TO USE IT AS A BANKING APP!
- Bonus Panel 1 : Ext. Beach – Later
Now at the beach at sunset, Kevin drags his luggage behind him as he walks into the ocean.
- Bonus Panel 2 : Ext. Beach – Later
Kevin is gone under the water. All that’s left are his footsteps and the drag marks of his luggage.
The Future of Entertainment
Strip Info
- Title
- The Future of Entertainment
- Date
- June 18, 2023
- Tags
- AI art, artificial intelligence, capitalism, dumb things people do, gadgets, movies, pop culture, technology, TV, virtual reality
- Panel 1 : Int. VR Headset – Day
From a user’s POV inside a VR headset, a cute robot character floats into view.
- Genie
- Hi! I’m Genie, your A.I.-powered entertainment bot! What do you want to watch today?
- User (O.S.)
- I wanna watch a movie where Spider-Man fights Batman at Wrestlemania!
- Panel 2 : Int. Living Room – Continuous
The user sits in his recliner, a beer in his hand
- Genie (O.S.)
- Sorry. I’m afraid I can’t do that.
- User
- Why not? I thought A.I. can create whatever I want.
- Panel 3 : Int. VR Headset – Continuous
In the headset, Genie explains.
- Genie
- Well, see… Spider-Man is owned by Disney, Batman is owned by Warner Bros, and Wrestlemania is WWE. To combine them legally, I would need a licensing agreement between all three companies that allows for… (trailing off)
- Panel 4 : Ext. Street – Later
Later, on the side of the road, two sanitation workers empty trash cans into a garbage truck. One worker holds up something he fished out of a can.
- Sanitation Worker
- Hey look! Another pair a’them expensive goggles!
Rage Against The Machine
Strip Info
- Title
- Rage Against The Machine
- Date
- January 22, 2023
- Tags
- AI art, artificial intelligence, capitalism, creativity, digital art, Future Kevin, Kevin, Past Kevin, The Future
- Panel 1 : Int. Kevin’s Apartment – Day
Past Kevin sits at his drafting table, drawing comics. Behind him, a time portal opens and a desperate Future Kevin leans out.
- Future Kevin
- Hey! I’m YOU from the future! Don’t post our artwork online!
- Panel 2 : Int. Kevin’s Apartment – Continuous
Future Kevin continues
- Future Kevin
- In the future, companies will train A.I. to mimic our style without our consent!
- Panel 3 : Int. Kevin’s Apartment – Continuous
Future Kevin continues.
- Future Kevin
- Then, any talentless hack can make comics just like ours!
Past Kevin looks down skeptically at his work.
- Panel 4 : Int. Kevin’s Apartment – Continuous
Past Kevin raises his eyebrows.
- Past Kevin
- …Like ours, but funny?
- Future Kevin
The Problem with A.I. Art
Strip Info
- Title
- The Problem with A.I. Art
- Date
- December 11, 2022
- Tags
- AI art, AI training, artificial intelligence, Kevin, Lensa, self own, Stable Diffusion
- Panel 1 : Int. Startup Office – Day
Kevin stands at the desk of an engineer in the office of an A.I. startup. Hands on hips and frowning, he wears a shirt that says “Reject AI Art.”
- Engineer
- O.K. sir, I searched our A.I. training database for your artwork and found no results.
- Kevin (indignant)
- Good!
- Panel 2 : Startup Office – Continuous
The engineer bends over, adjusting his glasses to better read the screen.
- Engineer
- Oh wait- there’s a note. It says: “This artist’s work was found to be of insufficient quality for training…”
- Panel 3 : Int. Startup Office – Continuous
The engineer continues reading as Kevin’s face falls.
- Engineer
- “…Including this artist’s work, even as an example of a negative output, would degrade the quality of the algorithm…”
- Panel 4 : Startup Office – Continuous
The engineer continues reading as Kevin puts up a hand in protest.
- Engineer
- “Hashtag crappy, hashtag hack-“
- Kevin (interrupting)
- O.K. Y-you can stop reading now.
You’re The Worst
Strip Info
- Title
- You’re The Worst
- Date
- October 17, 2022
- Tags
- Instagram, Kevin, mailing list, promo, self promotion, social media
- Notes
- Panel 1 : Int. Void – Day
Kevin stands next to a social media app logo.
- Kevin
- Did you know this lil’ guy doesn’t show you all of my comics?
- App
- It’s true. I don’t!
- Panel 2 : Int. Void – Continuous
The app continues.
- App
- I’m focusing more on video these days.
- Kevin
- And how’s that going?
- App
- Not great!
- Panel 3 : Int. Void – Continuous
Kevin continues.
- Kevin
- So if you don’t want to miss out, sign up for my free mailing list. You’ll get my new comics a day early, plus all kinds of fun stuff — right to your inbox!
- Panel 4 : Int. Void – Continuous
The app looks up at Kevin.
- App
- I’m going to bury this post.
- Kevin (patting it’s head)
- Of course you will. You’re the worst!
The Procrastination Game
Strip Info
- Title
- The Procrastination Game
- Date
- May 8, 2022
- Tags
- Bird, couch, creativity, dumb things people do, Kevin, mental health, productivity, relatable, self care, videogames
- Panel 1 : Int. Living Room – Day
Kevin sits on his couch, controller in hand, playing a video game. His bird sits next to him.
- Kevin
- Ugh. This game sucks.
- Bird
- Then why not play a game you like?
- Panel 2 : Int. Living Room – Continuous
Kevin replies.
- Kevin
- Because if I play a game I like, I’ll get absorbed and won’t do the other things I have to do today.
- Panel 3 : Int. Living Room – Continous
The bird ponders.
- Bird
- So why not do those other things first, then play a game you like?
- Kevin
- Because playing games is how I procrastinate.
- Panel 4 : Int. Living Room – Continous
The bird looks concerned.
- Bird
- Wow, you’re all messed up, huh?
- Kevin
- My therapist calls me his “goldmine.”
What’s In Your Wallet?
Strip Info
- Title
- What’s In Your Wallet?
- Date
- April 3, 2022
- Tags
- Bird, Bitcoin, crypto, dumb things people do, Kevin, Metaverse, orc warrior, scams, social interactions, virtual reality
- Panel 1 : Int. The Metaverse – Day
Kevin and his orc guide walk through a Metaverse landscape.
- Panel 2 : Int. The Metaverse – Continuous
Still walking.
- Panel 3 : Int. Metaverse – Continuous
The orc stops. Kevin stands behind him
The orc reaches towards a glowing Bitcoin wallet icon.
- Panel 4 : Int. The Metaverse – Continuous
In the real world, Kevin stands in his living room, looking confused in a VR headset. His bird perches on his arm.
- Bird
- How’s it going in there?
- Kevin
- I think I’m about to get swindled.
Welcome to The Metaverse!
Strip Info
- Title
- Welcome to The Metaverse!
- Date
- March 27, 2022
- Tags
- dumb things people do, Facebook, Kevin, Metaverse, orc warrior, salmon shirts, social interactions, social media, technology
- Panel 1 : Int. The Metaverse – Day
Kevin stands in a digital void next to a giant orc.
- Panel 2 : Int. The Metaverse – Continuous
The orc continues.
- Panel 3 : Int. Metaverse – Continuous
The orc continues.
Kevin closes his eyes and starts to glow.
- Panel 4 : Int. The Metaverse – Continuous
Kevin’s shirt changes from black to light pink. “Plip!” He smiles.
- Panel 5 : Int. The Metaverse – Continuous
The orc looks on, skeptically.
- Orc
- Yeeeah… Salmon’s not your color.
Kevin deflates.
An Important Message From The Future
Strip Info
- Title
- An Important Message From The Future
- Date
- August 8, 2021
- Tags
- advice, etiquette, Future Kevin, Kevin, movies, Past Kevin, social media, time travel, TV
- Panel 1 : Int. Void – Day
Past Kevin is startled by Future Kevin, who reaches for him through a time portal.
- Future Kevin
- “Hey! I’m you from the future! I have something very important you need to hear…”
- Panel 2 : Int. Void – Continuous
Future Kevin gets to the point.
- Future Kevin
- Not every piece of media is for you.
- Panel 3 : Int. Void – Continuous
Past Kevin listens skeptically as Future Kevin continues.
- Future Kevin
- Instead of publically complaining about a movie, tv show, or band you don’t like, try thinking ‘This is not for me’ and moving on.
- Panel 4 : Int. Void – Continuous
Past Kevin frowns.
- Past Kevin
- Okay… but why come back and tell me this now?
- Future Kevin
- You’re about to join this thing called ‘Twitter…’
Grandpa’s Acting Weird Again
Strip Info
- Title
- Grandpa’s Acting Weird Again
- Date
- May 16, 2021
- Tags
- Among Us, Animal Crossing, COVID, Grandpa, little boy, pandemic, Roblox, The Future, videogames
- Notes
The games Grampa’s referring to are Animal Crossing, Among Us, and Adpot Me (Roblox). Some folks think the last one is Pokémon, but they’re wrong.
- Panel 1 : Int. Retirement Home – Day
A young boy sits at his grandpa’s feet.
- Young Boy
- Grandpa, what did you do during the 2020 Pandemic?
- Panel 2 : Int. Retirement Home – Continuous
Grandpa sits in his easy chair.
- Grandpa
- Well, first I sold turnips to a raccoon on my own private island.
- Panel 3 : Int. Retirement Home – Continuous
Grandpa continues.
- Grandpa
- …Then my friends and I took turns murdering each other in space.
- Panel 4 : Int. Retirement Home – Continuous
The little boy looks confused as Grandpa finishes.
- Grandpa
- …And I bred my pets until they started glowing.
- Panel 5 : Ext. Retirement Home – Later
The young boy’s Mom leads him to their car.
- Mom
- How was your visit with Grandpa?
- Young Boy
- Confusing.
In the background, Grandpa waves from the porch of his retirement home.
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